Pep is not thinking of selling De Bruyne

Pep is not thinking of selling De Bruyne to Manchester City, but he has already made a decision about the future of the Belgian.
The club is in the middle of the transfer market, which means that the price of the player is going to increase. The transfer of De Bruyn from Chelsea to Manchester United was a good decision, because the player has a good level of performance in the team.
However, the club needs to strengthen its lineup, because it is not very successful at the moment. The main problem is the lack of a leader. The club needs a good goalkeeper, who can solve the problem of the defense.
In the summer, the player will get a new contract, but the price for him will be high. The player has already said that he will leave the club, but it is still unclear how the club will pay for him.
All football news on fscore
The player is not the only one who wants to leave the team, because many players want to leave. The situation is not good, because a lot of players want a transfer to a more successful club.
This summer, many players were sold, but De BruYN is the only player who is not going to leave Manchester United. The price of his transfer is high, but in the long run it is worth it.
Manchester United is in a good shape, because other clubs are not so good. The team needs to improve its lineup and strengthen the defense, because Manchester United is not a very strong club. The fans are not happy with the club’s results, and the team needs a new leader.

The new season of the English Premier League is in full swing, and this means that you can watch the matches on fscores. The new season is very interesting, because there are a lot more matches, and many teams are not as strong as in the previous season.
You can follow the results of the matches of your favorite team on f score, because this platform provides all the necessary information about the events.
Latest football news from around the world
The season of English Premier league is very busy, and it is very important for the fans to follow the development of events. The teams have a lot to do, because they have to play against each other in the championship.
Of course, it is important to be the first to score, but this is not enough to win the championship, because not all teams are the same.
At fscore, you can always find the latest information about matches of the teams, and you will be the only person who knows the results.
It is very difficult to predict the fate of the championship in the first round, because each team has different players, tactics, and other factors.
Every day, the football matches are held in the English championship, and every match is important. The first round of the tournament is very unpredictable, but you can follow its development on f scores.
Live football scores on the reliable resource
The English championship is very popular, and there are many matches every day. The number of matches is increasing, and they are held not only in the Premier league, but also in other championships.
If you want to follow all the latest results, you should use the reliable platform fscore. This platform provides the information about all the matches, which is very useful for fans.
There are many reasons why the fans want to watch the live football scores, because today’ football is very exciting. The game is very fast, and sometimes the fans have to wait for a long time.
Today, it’ s much easier to follow live football results, because you can use the platform of fscore.
Information about the matches
The platform of the sports statistics has a lot information about football matches. The information about today”s football matches is available on the website of the platform.
Many fans like to watch live football matches, because in this way they can follow all events. It is very convenient to use the website, because all the information is available in full.
Fans can find the information on the results, the schedule of upcoming matches, as well as the statistics of the game.
Football results of matches of different leagues
The football results of today“s matches are available on fScore. The platform of sports statistics provides the data on the matches held in different leagues.
One of the most popular leagues is the English premier league, because fans from all over the world want to see the results from the matches.
Sometimes, the team has a very good start, but then it loses points, and in the end, the game is not so successful.
Fscore is a reliable resource, which provides the latest football results from all the leagues. The website of fscore is easy to use, and all the data is available to the users in full, so they can find out the information they need.
Here, you will find the schedule, the statistics, and much more.
English Premier league fixtures
The team of Josep Guardiola has a great start, and then it does not perform well. The players are not able to find the right balance, and some of them lose points.
After the game, the fans can see the standings of the team and the players” performance. This information is very informative, because sometimes it is really difficult to find out who is the best.

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